Holding Your Ground: Preparing for Defense if it All Falls Apart
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I received a complimentary copy of the Holding Your Ground - Total Defense ebook to review. My first thought was "why has it taken so long for someone to write this?" --shtfblog.com"I loved the part about facades. Who would have thought of that? We are talking about it every day now and trying to decide on how we want to hide our house."....Cindy, New Mexico --holdingyourground.comJoe Nobody, steps through both options, from equipping your home, to personal equipment selection, and building and placement of firing positions and over-watch locations... It makes an excellent companion to the Army Combat Engineers manual and the Ranger Handbook...opensourcesurvival.comI would say it is the "go-to" book on defensive tactics...bisonsurvivalblog.blogspot.com"Holding Your Ground" is an indispensable tool for your preparedness arsenal. It comes very highly recommended...paratusfamiliablog.com
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Tags : Holding, Your, Ground, Preparing, for
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